Do you see the bear?
He/she is in the center of the photo.
The rear of the bear is facing the camera.
I know it is hard to see, but my little wildlife camera
has a rather weak flash and it was about 12 feet away.
Here the bear is again. On the right side of the picture.
The bright little dot is the bear's eye.
He is in basically the same place as the coyote below.
I know you can see this guy!
Mr. Coyote
Turkey Vulture
Okay..."bear" with me here. Hehehehe.
I have a LOT of pictures!
This is a view from the golf course.
Here you can see the flags and the dirts (greens)
We call them dirts...because they are dirt.
I thought it would be fun to get a picture of the ball up in the air.
There is also a bit of dirt flying.
Another ball shot.
The ball is pretty small in this one.
No ball here, just beautiful color.
I liked the way the clouds were spreading out in this one.
I have stained my arbor.
I think it came out pretty good!
I have to seal it now.
The sealer will make it a little darker.
Zippy of course had to get into the picture.
I guess that I should have moved the stool.
It kind of snuck into the picture.
A close up shot.
Still getting some color.
The minis are getting their thick winter coats.
Otis (on the right) always gets a very thick coat. Last year it was about three
inches thick.
La la la.....Time for a walk!
Hi folks!!!
Are you bored yet????
I know, what you really want to see are more pictures of ME!!!
Oh brother, I am getting out of here.
It is really getting deep.
Glowing tree.
Beautiful, colorful woods.
Hey! Here I am!!!
Berries on the thorn apple tree.
For some reason...most of the leaves that are left are yellow.
Even the maples that usually turn a bright red were more of this orangey color.
Possibly caused by the high winds that we have had.
We had these low fluffy clouds the other day.
Just beautiful!
The light was fantastic.
Elk Knob of course.
I could not get enough of this kind of day!
Is that Bumble!
If you made it to the end of this long long blog post and you want to see something
Here is a link to a story about Pearl the pumpkin.
I am in it.
Also.....Bumble wormed her way into the story.
We are 5 minutes into the video.